Millstone Hill Geospace Radar Status

Millstone Hill Geospace Radar Picture  

Wide Coverage Azimuth Scan and Regional Vector Experiment

This experiment is designed to execute a wide coverage scan observing longitudes both east and west of Millstone Hill. It characterizes the response of the F region ionosphere to geomagnetic storm triggered by ICME in the approximate range of -85 to -65 deg E longitude (at 250-300 km altitude). Scans occur in one continuous motion with a uncoded waveform. E and F region vector and scalar ionospheric parameters are also provided in the vicinity of Millstone Hill, in a cone with radius +/- 2 degrees at F region heights using positions on either side of the magnetic meridian. Both zenith and steerable MISA antennas are used.

 Radar Controller Transmitter Signal Processing Analysis 
Operations    Plots       Data    Model
Schedule    Overview  Digisonde  

updated at : Wed Mar 26 21:16:33 2025 UT